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Let’s Talk "Anxiety"...Heart2Hearts

Our first edition will cover a worldwide reaction to the pandemic: anxiety.

As a first universal to all of us, we are trying to comprehend, grasp, deal, cope and understand the irrational nature of the COVID-19. Why are we living in this fear? What does my future look like now? How will I cope with this virus and the vaccine? How can we better cope in these uncertain times?

Anxiety…it affects all of us!

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress and it is beneficial as a fuel to alert us of danger or to prepare us for an exam or a piano recital. Normal anxiety does not disrupt our quality of life. Anxiety refers to anticipation of a future concern associated with physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, panic attacks, sweaty palms, fast heartbeat, etc. It is an emotional response to a perceived or a real threat (examples: I am going to fail my exam, I am going to catch Covid, I am going to have a ski accident (because of the trauma of the last ski incident, etc.).

Anxiety disorders involve excessive fear or anxiety whereby our thinking patterns, emotions and behaviors are distorted, irrational or negative. If the anxiety is out of the normal parameters, then one can be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, the fear or anxiety must

  • Be out of proportion to the situation or age-inappropriate

  • Hinder ability to function normally

To better understand the definition of anxiety, you can explore Fight-Flight-Freeze videos from Anxiety Canada.

One must distinguish between fear, anxiety, anxiety disorders and phobias. Different types of anxiety disorders include Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder, to name a few.

A little quiz to assess your level of anxiety in the context of Covid-19

Name your reaction (fear, anxiety, etc.)

1. Fear of the unknown

2. Fear of catching Covid-19

3. Fear of not meeting a partner during Covid-19

4. Worried about failing an exam because of a lack of motivation

5. Unease with working or studying online

6. Getting stuck in traffic

7. Having regular arguments with your partner

8. Ending a long-term relationship due to the stresses of being at home all the time

9. Fear of transmitting Covid to family members

10. Petrified about the symptoms related to Covid-19

11. Sadness from losing a friend from the Covid-19

12. Fear of meeting people in person

13. Isolation due to the pandemic

14. Changed perspective on friends and family since the pandemic

15. Disappointment in not seeing loved ones during the pandemic

16. Worried about your own health concerns

17. Fear of the future

18. Economic stress due to the Covid-19

19. Cancelling a trip because of Covid-19

20. Developing anxiety and depressive feelings after almost 2 years of isolation

Possible reactions from these varied life situations: fear, phobia, anxious, nervous, worried, frustration, sadness, grief


Possible reactions, depending on one’s perception of fear, past traumas, unresolved fears and predisposition in relation to anxiety. Therefore, everyone has a different viewpoint and interpretation of the same context.

The proposed answers will be available in the next edition of this H2H Blog.

What are some coping strategies to manage your anxiety?

There are numerous strategies proposed to better cope with anxiety. According to Healthline, there are 5 basic coping strategies to anxiety, a natural response to stress. By knowing about your triggers to anxiety, you can identify specific strategies to better cope.

1. Examine your thought patterns – identify its roots, adjust your distorted thinking, and adjust your thinking pattern to better control your anxiety or the situation at hand. An example could be that I will learn to think positively when entering a job interview, especially since I prepared myself well.

2- Practice deep breathing or the 4-7-8 technique to help alleviate anxiety. Breathe in through your nose to the count of four; hold the breath to the count of sever and then exhale through your mouth to the count of eight.

3- Go for walks or engage in an exercise that you enjoy. It releases dopamine hormones, responsible for countering feelings of depression.

4- Journaling: be aware of your thoughts and aim to journal them to validate, modify or reduce their intensity with respect to the reality of the situation.

5- Mindfulness: Focus on one’s awareness of the present moment or action(Example: I am eating mindfully and am enjoying every bite with great satisfaction)

Open discussion: And how do you manage your anxiety? Would you like to share with us?

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