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Lea Elfassy

Lea's Journey - Life After Divorce Part 4

So how does one move from being a couple to being single?

I’ve learned there is no magic wand that can magically make it all better.

I’ve learned time does not heal, but rather the passage of time may take the edge off the pain.

I’ve learned that it’s important to honor yourself by acknowledging what happened and allowing any emotion and feeling to pass through you. I've learned to understand what I am feeling while remaining cognisant not to become those emotions.

It’s important as I alluded in a past article to sit with these emotions and cry or be angry or feel hurt or feel whatever, but letting it go and learning this very important lesson. Being ok with feeling sad…

Learning to look in the mirror and creating the best damn relationship that’s staring back at you. Learning to love you, learning to be ok with just you.

Because I have learned that if I’m not good or ok with me how can I be good with anyone? Learning that just like a wound that heals from the inside out, our mental health is no different.

I had to look deep inside me where all my answers were and only then, can my true healing start to happen……


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