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Lea Elfassy

Lea's Journey: Life After Divorce Part 3

Reinventing Myself!

I had been toying with the idea of travelling to India and Nepal for quite some time.

Having been separated for a year and looking for something out of the box, India and Nepal were very fitting at this time in my life. I start the preparatory work; some training, as Everest base camp was part of the planning as I keep forging ahead with my plans.

Being newly separated, finding a new sense of freedom and learning that I have to figure it all out on my own was somewhat daunting to say the least….

I begin to realize that much organization goes into that type of trip and I’m consumed with excitement, anxiety and stress!

Preparation and all organization done, my backpack packed; I am ready to face the unknown.

I feel scared on my way to the airport but I also feel a sense of empowerment. I’m soon off ….

The flight was 13 hours to New Delhi from Toronto. As I look around me, I realize I’m a minority on the plane. I start a conversation with a family that’s on their way to India visiting some family and I’m feeling a sense of confidence.

We soon hear the announcement that we are landing and to please put our seat belts on.

As we land I felt a sense of excitement and freedom as my adventure is about to begin, and so it begins…..

Now in New Delhi airport. I want to cry. Not sure where to go. I quickly make an attempt to orient myself, without much success. I finally find a taxi that brings me to the hotel I booked and where I’ll be staying for 2 days….

Although somewhat perturbed, tired and for sure, jet lagged, I finally retreat to my room and fall asleep.

I’m in India! It feels unreal, a sense of pride sweeps over me at the thought of being here and organizing such a feat. I decide to plan my day and do some sightseeing. I met a couple from the hotel and we decided to hang out together for my short duration as I would be leaving to Nepal very soon.

India, I soon realized can’t be described, but rather experienced. I felt my senses were all on high alert. From the smell to the vibrant colors to its people. This is what I call, a sensory overload. Being in a marriage that spanned over 36 years I was never in a position to do something as huge as this trip and I feel that in itself was a learning process moving forward. Many of my friends called this trip my version of Eat, Pray, and Love! Yes, maybe.

I needed to finally do something just for me, maybe partially out of defiance and rebellion. But I did it! A trip that lasted 6 weeks including going to Nepal and climbing Mount Everest! At the base camp, my thought was, if I climb this mountain, I can rise above my separation and divorce and that, I did…..


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