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Lea Elfassy

Lea's Journey: Life After Divorce Part 17

For most of us post divorce, the feeling of getting into a new relationship is met with excitement and anticipation. We put our best foot forward and jump back into the unknown with our hopes and dreams. Time passes and the excitement, the giddiness, the anticipation wanes and we are left with ..”now what?”…

Does the above description mirror some of your experiences re relationships? Are we disillusioned about our expectations as we embark on a new encounter/relationship?…

What have been your experiences post divorce re dating? How did you navigate through it? How much time and energy did you invest in it?

How does commitment, effort, and maybe responsibility resonate while being in a new relationship?

Most of us have a family, maybe work and other life responsibilities, where does a relationship fit in?

How important is a relationship at this stage of your life?…

It’s not a clear cut answer and depending on where we are on the dating spectrum or the separation/divorce spectrum is what will determine the need. Some may need to heal before allowing space and time that a relationship requires….

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