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Lea Elfassy

Lea's Journey: Life After Divorce Part 14

Starting over encompasses many aspects….but I found the one that was trickiest and needed some navigation was $$$ money!

Learning the holy grail of how to manage my finances and how to learn to live with what I have...

Learning how to navigate with what I had left after everything was divided and how to envision my life?

This has been a very trying time for me and maybe some can see themselves in how my life played out, but everything was taken care of financially so I never needed to challenge myself in that area, nor did I take an interest either in that area.

So it was a learning curve for me as it still is…

I learned how to manage my money, I learned how to ask for help and who to ask, I learned how to live within a budget and It continues to be a work in progress…

How has this area affected you post divorce?? How did you navigate it?? Where did you go for help?….



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