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Lea Elfassy

Lea's Journey - Life After Divorce Part 12

Reinventing the wheel...

How do you reinvent yourself post divorce?…

I have learned from my own journey that reinventing yourself can come from different areas.

Your Physical Appearance

I’ve learned that changing how you look or taking more care of how you groom yourself can help.

I’m not saying to make drastic changes, but maybe a change of hairstyle from the one you had when you were married because that’s what was acceptable at that time. Perhaps makeup or changing your wardrobe.

Your Mindset

I have learned that a change in mindset can also help hugely.

Spending time alone was what proved to be beneficial for me in terms of learning what to think and how to be. Meditation was slowly something that I learned to incorporate in my life.

Learning to be mindful by paying close attention to how I’m feeling.

Writing as well has been part of my journey and blogging about my experience....

What did your mindset look like and how did you adopt a new mindset?

Your Socializing

This was an interesting part of my journey and still is. Letting go of people that no longer serve us because of our own evolution and transformation…

Gravitating towards people going through similar situations as I alluded in past blogs.

Your Self care

Self-care is a very important one and it can encompass anything from adopting a positive happy mindset, to taking a bath.

Listening to music, reading, meditating, or finding a sport or hobby that makes you feel good and passionate about…

What were some new self-care habits you adopted post divorce that proved beneficial to you?…

Wishing you lots of creativity and fun as you reinvent the wheel!



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