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New Book Release Available Now


Available for purchase only on AMAZON

If you have ever searched for love or been, love stuck, love empty, love hurt, love fooled or madly in love with a partner, spouse, or romantic interest that did not feel the same, this book is for you!

Heart 2 Heart is a love story. It is also a soul searching, self- help journey and autobiographical account of a woman in love pain who decides to write a book on her comedic vision of modem love after living multiple breakups as a way to reclaim her life and self-worth.

Finding the funny in her hurt, she sprinkles her love story journey with funny heart cartoons depicting different emotions, love life situations even, despicable unloving world events and ends up happily-ever-after, laughing away her pain.


Formats:   E-book KINDLE: $ 4.19  USD

               Paperback:       $10.99 USD

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Patricia Rimok

2135 Johnson

Montreal, QC. Canada

H4M 1L9




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